
Friday, March 12, 2010

Where We Go Next

So i pride myself in being a bit of a nerd, geek, whatever you want to call it. I like science. As i was writing my previous entry i happened to come across a yahoo article about how life enabling molecules have been spotted in the Orion Nebula. Now i know this probably doesn't excite many other people but damn does it excite me. The Orion Nebula is a nebula filled with gas, dust, and stars. We apparently really don't know too much about the Nebula's chemical makeup but we do know that it spews out new chemicals all the time.
By sifting through the pattern of spikes in Orion nebula's light signature, or spectrum, astronomers have identified a few common molecules that are precursors to life-enabling molecules, including water, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, methanol, dimethyl ether, hydrogen cyanide, sulfur oxide and sulfur dioxide. Each spike in the spectrum corresponds to a particular molecule (
The scientists used an instrument that looks into space that measured the infrared light in the universe. Each molecule has a specific infrared light that it emits that caused the instrument to have a spike. A lot of molecules that they found in the Orion Nebula happened to be "life-enabling" ones. You know what that means right. That means we could have another planet to live on somewhere out there. All we have to do now is find a way to get over there where the "life-enabling" molecules are and we could take the planet over. Eventually we will need another place to live seeing as this place is going to s#!@ and we're not doing too much to help it. I'm just waiting on a super spaceship now that can bend time and space to get us out our own solar system in less than an entire lifetime. Either that or we'd have to somehow evolve to become tolerant to speeds greater than the speed of light. We have the first and most crucial step down though. So hopefully someday my dreams of interplanetary will be possible.

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