
Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Sweepstakes I Find Worthy

School Success Challenge
This seems like a fun sweepstakes. It has a few little questions to answer that are very, very basic and you can win some really great stuff. I'm trying to enter it on a daily basis because it has an instant win portion to it also. The prizes include a $5,000 cruise vacation and a $10,000 school donation. There are a bunch of other little prizes that you can win and it's a nice quick way to give yourself a chance to win something. I am personally a big fan of sweepstakes and will always encourage anybody to try a lot of them because you never know what or how much you could win. With that said. . . Good Luck!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I was just having a chat with a good friend of mine. As a guy it's weird to talk with your buds about love. You talk about sex and sports and things of that sort with your friends if your male. Rarely do you have a friend that you can talk about love with. He figured out something tonight that i've known for a while myself. He actually just lost somebody that he really liked. The kinda girl that made him feel good about himself but he knew there was something missing. In that loss though he gained what i believe to be a true knowledge of what love really is. He realized that he loved a girl he dated before. He thought he loved her when they were dating and he went through the motions of it but until now i don't think he really felt it till now. It impressed me a lot. It's something to reflect on. It makes me realize more how much I'm in love. I know it's not the most "manly" thing to talk about but I'd rather be happy and myself. I guess it's just something to think about.

By the way if you get a chance check out the new website here : Metal Training

Where We Go Next

So i pride myself in being a bit of a nerd, geek, whatever you want to call it. I like science. As i was writing my previous entry i happened to come across a yahoo article about how life enabling molecules have been spotted in the Orion Nebula. Now i know this probably doesn't excite many other people but damn does it excite me. The Orion Nebula is a nebula filled with gas, dust, and stars. We apparently really don't know too much about the Nebula's chemical makeup but we do know that it spews out new chemicals all the time.
By sifting through the pattern of spikes in Orion nebula's light signature, or spectrum, astronomers have identified a few common molecules that are precursors to life-enabling molecules, including water, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, methanol, dimethyl ether, hydrogen cyanide, sulfur oxide and sulfur dioxide. Each spike in the spectrum corresponds to a particular molecule (
The scientists used an instrument that looks into space that measured the infrared light in the universe. Each molecule has a specific infrared light that it emits that caused the instrument to have a spike. A lot of molecules that they found in the Orion Nebula happened to be "life-enabling" ones. You know what that means right. That means we could have another planet to live on somewhere out there. All we have to do now is find a way to get over there where the "life-enabling" molecules are and we could take the planet over. Eventually we will need another place to live seeing as this place is going to s#!@ and we're not doing too much to help it. I'm just waiting on a super spaceship now that can bend time and space to get us out our own solar system in less than an entire lifetime. Either that or we'd have to somehow evolve to become tolerant to speeds greater than the speed of light. We have the first and most crucial step down though. So hopefully someday my dreams of interplanetary will be possible.

Five Finger Death Punch -- War is the Answer





The sophomore album of the metal band Five Finger Death Punch is all that and more. They have everything from the primal fury of Dying Breed to the melodic melancholy of Far From Home. Rarely do i enjoy an album beginning to end but this one makes the short list of albums that i do. The title does the album justice perfectly.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The First

My first post.
Why are we always obsessed with the "first". Your' first show, first date,first step, first words, ...etc. It seems like we make out our firsts to set the tone for the rest of our life. If a first date goes bad so does a relationship. If a first show goes bad you could lose your credibility right from the start. If your first steps and first words are early you're automatically smart, and if they're late you're dumb. I've heard people in their fortys talk about how they said "da da" before anyone else they've known. I think we're a little too obsessed with the first that we have a hard time with the next. The next is just as, if not more important than the first. You mess up on the "first" step you have a million more left to go. That next step is what defines character. The next step is the heart and soul. I'll leave you with a final quote that i feel exemplifies my tangent perfectly from the great Rough Rider, Teddy Roosevelt
"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well."
Oh, and welcome to What You Do In Your Free Time